Zinc from IronMaxx provides everyone with optimized sports nutrition! With 25 mg per capsule, zinc is an optimally balanced nutritional supplement. Ironmaxx uses in its new product only high quality zinc gluconate, which the body can absorb the zinc rapidly. Its numerous positive effects are immediately available. Zinc is regarded as one of the most important minerals in the power sports. Athletes consume on training days 50% more of certain minerals, such as zinc than non-athletes because they lose this by profuse sweating. Therefore, a sufficient and optimally concentrated supply of zinc in strength and endurance sports is essential! Zinc fulfills many different functions in the body. It takes key roles in sugar, fat and protein metabolism and is involved in the formation of genetic material and in cell growth. Both the immune system and many hormones require zinc for their function.
Many athletes eat very one-sided, so that the body can not always be adequately supplied with those minerals and trace elements that are essential for testosterone production. The level of testosterone, the male sex hormone, decreases after the age of 25 every year by about 1.2 percent. Sporting activities can counteract this development. But an adequate zinc intake is the real secret weapon when it comes to obtaining a normal testosterone level in the blood and acts as a natural testosterone modulator!
- normal carbohydrate metabolism
- normal cognitive function
- normal metabolism of macronutrients
- normal fatty acid metabolism
- normal protein synthesis
- maintaining normal testosterone levels in the blood
- normal function of the immune system
- helping protect cells against oxidative stress
- has a function in cell division
Source: https://www.ironmaxx.de/en/