
Benefits of Carbohydrates after training

The main reason for taking carbohydrates after training is filling the glycogen stores, which had been used up during exercise. The main source of energy during exercise is glycogen found in the muscles. Glycogen is composed of a long series of glucose molecules with many branches, and is a form of storing glucose.

Research confirms that carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (highly digestible) are the most effective in restoring muscle glycogen after training. They must be consumed as soon as possible after physical exertion. Only two hours after a physical activity the rate of glycogen replenishment is reduced to 50%.
Take your carbohydrate intake after physical exertion seriously, because you will only be able to restore muscle glycogen stores this way. If you do not consume carbohydrates, you limit recovery and consequently the training progress. A full storage of glycogen in the muscles contributes to muscle growth in the shortest amount of time possible. Glycogen stored in muscle cells draws water into them and thereby increases the volume of said cells, and thus fills muscle fibers.
The benefit of consuming carbohydrates (highly glycemic, e.g. Dextrose) immediately after an intense workout is that you will feel reborn after exercise, and have more energy. The desire for sweets also reduces throughout the day.

Dextrose (glucose) is the best source of carbohydrates after training. It has a high glycemic index and is a simple sugar that rapidly absorbs into the blood. Thus, it replaces lost glycogen stores in the muscles as soon as possible.
Fructose, or fruit sugar, is in the category of simple carbohydrates. Fructose is found in various foods, usually in honey and fruit. It is usually found in the form of sucrose (table sugar). Fructose does not absorb directly into the bloodstream, like glucose/dextrose do. Instead, the liver metabolizes it and converts it into glucose.
Many people fear that carbohydrates consumed after training will then amass in the body in the form of fat. The time after training is when you really do not need to fear that the carbohydrates will convert into body fat. When dieting, save most of the daily carbohydrate intake for the meal after workout.

Perhaps you are worried because of the argument that eating carbohydrates after training lowers the level of growth hormone (GH) and testosterone in the body. This argument is very lacking. Why? The level of growth hormone and testosterone is highest during training, but after training it can drop rapidly. The level decreases regardless of whether you will consume carbohydrates after training or not.
If you really want to increase muscle regeneration and growth, then it is best to consume highly digestible carbohydrates together with protein, immediately after training.

Author: Nina Valant

Category: Training

Published: 16.08.2015 20:44

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